Atomic Reason

Welcome to Atomic Reason; here we will explore the world around us, from fundamental particles to music and movies that make our lives interesting!

  • Analyzing Science From a naive Perspective

    Historic Perspective on Science Allow me to tell you a story; long ago ancient man looked to the stars, the land, and the sea to explain the world around them. From these rudimentary observations it was clear to them that predictions could be made, and people could have their doubts and fears assuaged. Religions, mythologies,…

  • Observing the World Around You

    Remember that science is a philosophy of extracting truth from the world around you by observation and experiment. We discussed it previously; now we are going to examine the most basic way that people apply these principles to nature. The things we observe Sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch: the five traditional senses that allow…

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